Model, photographer each fined $300 for nude photo shoot at Pa. strip mall

A 64-year-old photographer and a 22-year-old model have each been fined $300 for staging a nude photo shoot at a busy Pennsylvania strip mall on a Saturday morning.

The shoot happened last April at the Miracle Mile Shopping Center in Monroeville, about 14 miles east of Pittsburgh, while shocked shoppers looked on, reported.

According to, model Chelsea Guerra walked around the mall wearing only thigh-high stockings and high-heeled shoes while Michael Warnock snapped photos.

Guerra defended the shoot in an interview with

“My nude modeling is honest work, and I use it mostly to fund my college career,” she told the website.

“My nude modeling is honest work, and I use it mostly to fund my college career.”

– Chelsea Guerra, model

According to a deal reached with prosecutors, other charges such as indecent exposure and disorderly conduct were dropped.

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